Saturday, September 17, 2005

Update Not been near blogland for a bit as we’ve been busy putting the house straight so we could put it on the market. What I don’t know about wooden floors and varnish has yet to be discovered. Anyway after only a week we’ve had an offer a close to the asking price so we’re now officially ‘under offer’ which considering how slow the UK housing market is supposed to be at the moment is reassuring, we just now have the difficult task of finding a new place in the same area. We’ve been looking but not found anything that says, “I’m your new home.” We maybe on to one but its early days and the English system of buying and selling property means nothing is certain until the creaky legal system gets involved, even then you might as well depend on the Magic 8 Ball as a method of predicting how things will turn out. Recently got hold of a Line6 Guitar Port which allows you to download lessons, effects and all kinds of guitar riffage on to the PC to help improve your playing, and some might say for me that’s a good thing! It’s an excellent little bit of kit and for a beginner like me is a great practice aid. It’s nice when you get approached by people at work asking you to join their team as they hear you’re not a bad sort. I’ve had a couple of roles suggested to me, one is the Product Manager for Sharepoint which with v3, Office 12 and Exchange 12 less than 12 months away sounds very interesting and the other is a Channel Development Manager in Business Partner looking after Mobile devices, a gadget fest if ever I’ve heard one. They are a small but significant step away from what I’ve done in recent years but it’s time for a change and a challenge. The judicial system has finally caught up with me and from Monday I’m on Jury service. I hope it’s over quickly as I understand there’s a lot sitting around twiddling your thumbs; the advice I’ve been give is take a good book. I notice Choddo Hayden is at long last going to get rid of his badge engineered Shanghai Automotive 75. But again Rob’s usual impeccable taste of all things vehicular have abandoned him as he opts for the aspirational choice of today’s young executive who should know better. The new BMW 3 Series is ugly enough in a Mitsubishi Carisma clone sort of way but in estate version it sinks to a new low, it even makes the scaled up 5 Series alternative look less of the Lovecraft inspired abomination it is. This a car even the chaps at Top Gear couldn’t be bother to add the The Cool Wall as it was so dull and let us not forget the Chodmeister once drove a Honda Integra Type R which had been hand build by naked Japanese super models, or something! Please mate don’t do it!!!


Blogger Mr Ports said...

Ah - such a shame. A nice place in The Elms has gone ;-) Seriously though, why are you moving if you want to stay around Barnes. Is Izzy demanding her own room?

Ali has just been called to jury service as well. I guess you will also be sitting in Kingston. I will give you the same tip I gave her - make sure you watch "12 Angry Men" before the trial.

9/17/2005 07:09:00 pm  
Blogger Tony C said...

We are staying around her fella. Probably be in Sheen though. As for the reason....would like a bigger place.

Yep I shall be dispensing justice in Kingston as well.

9/18/2005 07:03:00 am  

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