I always been a bit of fan of PC based flight sims the daddy of which is obviously MS Flight Simulator, however I've always found it a bit dry and technical especially as the planes don't tend to come with guns attached. Not so long ago combat flying games for the PC were coming out of our metaphorical ears but due to long development cycles and the related costs most games studios seem to bailed.
Focus Multimedia publish IL-2 Sturmovik - Forgotten Battles which might not have the most catchy name but is by all accounts rather good. However it might come as no surprise that the one I've been playing for a while now is MS Flight Sims cousin MS Combat Flight Simulator, and the combat bit means it comes with guns and bombs and rockets and all kinds of 40's flying goodness. In version 3 however it's a bit of a double edged sword as it spanks anything but the most up to date machine and even then it's close but more importantly the developers decided to use a different games engine from standard MS Flight Sim, in version 2 it used the standard engine which made life easy for modders because if they could make plane models for Flight Sim they could do the same for Combat Sim. This has meant it's taken the modder sim community a little while to get up to speed and begin to provide new planes, missions and other enhancements, however spurned on by GMX and the brilliant Firepower there's plenty of stuff to keep the WWII plane plank more than happy.
Chocks away!
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