Wednesday, August 13, 2003

With the Hutton Inquiry under way into the death of Dr David Kelly and it’s examination of whether or not the government ‘sexed up’ a document that contains the now infamous 45 minute warning, you can expect a million and one interpretations of what it all means most of which will be partisan. The Sun kicked it off today with it’s headline ‘Lies, Lies, Lies’ which made me choke on morning latte as the level of hypocrisy is breathtaking. Here’s a newspaper whose adherence to journalistic integrity is questionable at best and is owned by News International who also happens to own Sky. Sky as we all know is not a big fan of the BBC and strangely neither is it’s owner Rupert Murdoch. It’s been interesting to listen to the BBC coverage especially on the ‘Today’ programme which seems to go out of it’s way to be as impartial as possible, always interviewing two people together with opposing views rather than one at a time so one side won’t interpret the interview as biased. Would any Murdoch programme or publication be this balanced? I don’t think so.


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