Sunday, February 02, 2003

With the over turning of the Sally Clark case you have to start wondering whether or not those who vilified Mrs Clark will now eat humble pie. Much of the evidence against her has been found to be rather feeble, the most obvious being Professor Roy Meadows assertion that the likelihood of two cot deaths in the same family is somewhere in the region of seventy three million to one. As it happens the quite the opposite is true. Oddly the data he used, based on a study of eighty one cases of Cot Death, was shredded before it could be studied by Sally Clark’s defence QC who commented, “It is therefore impossible to examine the claimed scientific basis for his opinions.” So that’s a portion of the aforementioned pie for our adversarial legal system, which is about who creates the best legal argument however bogus, rather than finding the truth. The other is for the media especially the print media who as always were rather quick to judge and by and large rather slow to admit it was wrong.


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