Saturday, September 06, 2003

Izzy the Hungarian Vizsla grows ever larger. Those of you who remember the early puppy pictures will immediately see how much bigger she has got; and she's still growing. Current she tips the scales at about 17kg at five months (you do the maths for Imperial units) and a fully grown Vizsla is between 25 and 30kg. This is going to be one fairly big hound. She has also darkened in colour to this deep russet red which makes her look quiet regal. The shiney white nashers show the milk teeth have gone and anything that gets chewed is invariably destroyed, we've been fortunate on that front as Izzy prefers hide chews and soft toys to furnture and general house hold fixtures and fittings. Being a Vizsla she is fully of energy and I'm convinced that some Newtonian Laws are being broken regards the amount of food she consumes and the amount of energy this produces. One upside is that I'm doing more exercise than I have for a while. I'm now hoping that the back of the car arriving next week is gonna be big enough.


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