Saturday, May 21, 2005

To Sith or not to Sith If you're easily offending by my opinion on the latest Star Wars films click away now..... That means you Daz. I'm between a rock and hard place. Do I go and see Revenge of the Sith knowing what a complete cock-up George made of the other two prequels? I mean here's an example of some dialogue, and I quote. Man: "You're so beautiful." Woman: "It's only because I'm so in love." Man: "No, it's because I'm so in love with you." Oh shit! OK Rotten Toms, usually an accurate tool for judging films, rates Revenge of the Sith pretty highly but if you read many of the reviews the general view is "it's better than the previous two". But surely the benchmark is the original trilogy not the duel farce that was 'Menace' and 'Clones'. As Mrs C is totally uninterested, and she is a Star Wars fan, I'll probably wait and rent it on DVD. Then watch the original trilogy straight after and wonder what might have been.


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