Wednesday, April 09, 2003

I subscribe to more newsletters than one individual can realistically read and keep tabs on, they arrive in the inbox, get a cursory glance and deleted if nothing instantly grabs my interest. There is one exception however, David Weinberger’s Journal of the Hyperlinked Organisation or JOHO for short. It’s one if those rare gems; informative, thought provoking and occasionally funny. A constant theme that JOHO returns to is our relationship with the Internet and what it means for individuals, corporations and institutions like governments. David thinks most still don't get what the internet is about...I tend to agree. To quote once piece some evidence of this can be found in the following behaviors: a) Seeing the Web, like television, as a way to hold eyeballs still while advertisers spray them with messages. b) The Net is something that telcos and cable companies should filter, control and otherwise "improve." c) That it's a bad thing for users to communicate between different kinds of instant messaging systems on the Net. d) That somehow the Net suffers from a lack of regulation to protect industries that feel threatened by it. More from JOHO later I reckon.


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